Exclusive newsletter + content upgrades (free courses, downloads, masterclasses).

✨mindset + therapy for entrepreneurs✨Fill all your cups holistically to live your best life!✨

As a content marketeer with 18+ years experience, I decided to go back to school and become a certified holistic therapist & reiki master specialized in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Enter, Holistic Lattes, my premium platform that gets you bi-weekly newsletters and my courses and premium content for free and with first access.

We focus on your mental health, wellness and feeling good while performing your best in this online business space. Sharing holistic routines and ways to fill all your cups, holistically.

What's Included:

At least 2 per month

Exclusive newsletter*

Worth $1000

Exclusive newsletter that helps to keep your mind in check as a business owner or content creator. In this newsletter different holistic lifestyles, therapy and other healing practises will be shared to help fill your cups as an entrepreneur and/or busy person struggling with juggling it all.

Free Courses and Masterclasses*

Worth $3000

You get access to all launching courses, at least 2 new ones per year.

Free Downloads*

Worth $500

Get to work with worksheets, workbooks and planners. You get them all for free, at least one per month to work on your holistic work health!

Founder's Bonus

After 6 months subscription you get a free Reiki Distance Treatment worth $150!

Schedule when you feel busiest and need it the most.

*Please note that there isn't a Vault included. You get the monthly additions when you're subscribed. There's no backlog of resources.